Note: Results achieved on behalf of one client in one matter do not necessarily indicate that similar results can be obtained for other clients.
Work Place Injury Case Example
Our Client:
- Our client worked delivering roofing materials to various job-sites. At a job-site, he had climbed onto the roof to perform a safety inspection.
The Facts:
- While walking across roof, he fell through a sheet of roofing press-board. The board broke in half, causing him to fall 15 feet to the ground below.
His Injuries:
- Crushed heel requiring surgery; permanent injuries with post-traumatic arthritis.
Our Client’s Problem:
- The insurance company claimed our client jumped from one level of the roof to where he fell through.
The Resolution:
- We hired an engineering expert and proved the press-board was not affixed according to code, and that given the type and thickness of press-board, it would easily buckle and break when not properly affixed. We also deposed the construction company’s employees, and revealed that they knew this all along. We also proved that they were aware that someone was going to be on the roof to deliver the materials, and would have to walk across the improperly secured board.
The Result of his Work Place Injury Case:
- The case settled for a large sum just prior to trial.