Auto accidents happen every day, all around the world. In total, over 10 million car crashes occur in this country every year, and, sadly, earlier this year [August], four people were killed in a single car crash in Sandy that ended in a fiery explosion.
While this crash only involved one car, such collisions can often involve multiple vehicles. Although there are many things that can cause a car wreck to occur, some are more common than others. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has identified two circumstances that have been responsible for most automobile accidents: driver error and “everything else.”
What is Driver Error?
Driver error is most often referred to as “distracted driving.” Unfortunately, such distracted driving has become more frequent given the rise of smart phones that can do just about everything a computer can do – and more. It is estimated that a quarter of all car crashes are caused as the result of cell phone use.
However, distracted driving isn’t the only type of driver error. Others include:
- Drunk driving, which accounts for 40% of all auto accident deaths
- Drowsy driving
- Speeding
What Are the Other Causes of Car Accidents?
The second category identified by the NHTSA is “everything else.” This encompasses anything that leads to a car accident aside from driver error. These situations include:
- Physical condition of the roadway due to weather
- Improper maintenance of a road
- Weather conditions that impair visibility, like snow, rain, or fog
- Improper vehicle maintenance
Car crashes can cause injuries that can range from being very minor to very serious, and they often end in fatalities. As well, there is associated property damage and emotional trauma that accompanies the physical injury.
If you, or a loved one, have been in a car accident caused by the wrongful or negligent actions of another driver, or by an entity responsible for maintaining the roads, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Consulting with an experienced auto accident attorney can help point you decide the right way to pursue your automobile crash claim.
Obtain a Free Consultation
The auto accident attorneys here at Dwyer Williams Cherkoss have decades of experience handling these types of claims and have been successful in securing the maximum compensation possible for their thousands of their clients.
For a free initial consultation, we welcome your call to our office at (541) 617-0555.