Great result, shabby coverage.

I very recently arbitrated a case where my client seriously injured his neck in a car accident, requiring surgery. However, he had surgery at the same level six months prior to the accident. The guy who hit him was underinsured, so he turned a portion of the claim over to his UIM carrier, Farmers. Because … Read More

My Doctor Says I Have Degenerative Disc Disease. What is that?

By Arne Cherkoss Degenerative Disc Disease Degenerative Disc Disease, or DDD, is the degeneration of the disc between vertebrae, resulting in pain.  Disc degeneration is a normal part of aging and for most people it is not a problem.  Meaning, a person may have disc degeneration and be symptom free.  Other people are not so … Read More

How Much Auto Insurance Coverage Should I Have?

As a lawyer who has practiced both as an insurance defense attorney, and as a personal injury attorney, I’m often asked my opinion as to how much automobile insurance a person should have.  The quick answer is $100,000/$300,000 with $100,000 in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage.  I will explain in detail below. Here is a … Read More

What is the Oregon Basic Speed Rule?

By Arne Cherkoss Oregon statutes do not provide an absolute or fixed speed limit.  Instead, Oregon statutes establish what is known as the basic speed rule. The basic speed rule provides that no person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to … Read More

Personal Injury Update

It’s been a hectic week here at our personal injury firm… I was supposed to start a trial today in a car crash case with severe low back injuries, including an annular fissure and herniated disks (with not one, but two surgeries required).  It would have been my fourth personal accident or injury trial of … Read More

Do I qualify for PIP benefits?

By Arne Cherkoss PIP benefits Every motor vehicle liability policy issued for delivery in Oregon that covers private passenger motor vehicles must provide PIP benefits. The term motor vehicle means a self-propelled land motor vehicle or trailer, other than (1) a farm vehicle (or other self propelled equipment designed for use principally off public roads, … Read More