Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC

975 Oak Street, Suite 610, Eugene OR 97401

Eugene Slip and Fall Injury Attorney

If you've suffered an injury from a slip, trip, or fall, contact one an experienced accident and injury law firm today. Among the elderly, such injuries can be particularly severe.

The probability of a fall-related injury having fatal complications multiples with age, and is also becoming increasingly common with time, as the greater portion of the nation's population approaches retirement age.

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"We leave no stone unturned to get you the settlement you deserve." - Roy Dwyer

The long, wet, and sometimes icy winters in Eugene can cause slippery conditions.  As accidents go, slips and falls are all too easy to underestimate. Within the United States they account for as many as 25% of reported worker's compensation claims, with as many as three out of four reported fall-related injuries requiring time off from work to recuperate.

Meanwhile, a staggering one in three elderly Americans will suffer some measure of fall-related injury each year, but less than half that number will talk to their primary care physician about related concerns. Regardless of one's age, the potential for a serious injury resulting from a slip, a trip or a fall is considerable; accidents resulting from such shouldn't be taken lightly, particularly if they occur due to another party's negligence or oversight.

  • Lacerations: Even the most innocuous protrusion can result in a severe cut or abrasion in the event of an unexpected fall. A limb can come into contact with the corner of a table or chair. You can catch your hand on something as you reach out instinctively to stop your fall. For the young, cuts and abrasions can mean a temporary inconvenience... or they can mean multiple stitches, and a series of tetanus shots. For the elderly, the risk of infection due to a weakened immune system is a serious consideration.
  • Fractures: This is one of the leading causes of severe injury among the American elderly. People of post-retirement age are experiencing debilitating, even fatal complications due to bone breaks from falls at a rate which has been increasing steadily for decades. Regardless of your age, however, it is entirely possible to experience painful and debilitating bone fractures, depending upon what part of your body you land on during a fall – and how hard you come down. Wrist and ankle injuries are particularly common, as well as requiring time off work to rest and recuperate.
  • Head Injuries: Perhaps the most terrifying of the common fall-related injuries, severe head injuries are the leading cause of fall-related fatalities among the elderly. Severe brain trauma is also an increasingly commonplace fall-related injury among much younger people, particularly as we are now starting to recognize some of the more immediate signs of such traumatic injuries. Brain injury is a potentially life-altering event, something which can involve long periods of recuperation and, all too often, diminished functionality in one or more areas of your life from that point on.

Every day, hundreds of American citizens experience moderate to severe injuries due to a slip, a trip, or a fall. If you or someone you know has experienced such an injury, you need to give our personal injury law offices in Eugene, OR a call immediately. We can help you to evaluate the extent of the compensation to which you are entitled, and then go to work to make sure that you get what you are owed. Recovering from a debilitating injury is hard enough without having to worry about how you're going to be able to eat, pay your mortgage, or keep the lights on; give our law offices a call today.

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