At Dwyer Williams Cherkoss PC, we understand the inherent risk that every motorcyclist faces; not only are riders more exposed than drivers of passenger vehicles, but motorcycles are also less visible and less stable than enclosed motorized vehicles.  Every time a motorcyclist climbs onto her ride, she is undertaking certain risks that drivers of cars, trucks, and SUVs never face. It doesn’t come as much of a surprise that motorcycles constitute only 3 percent of vehicles on the road while they account for 13 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities.

We frequently represent clients in Grants Pass, Oregon who have been involved in devastating motorcycle accidents, who would not have suffered significant consequences had they been in a passenger vehicle. When confronted with a negligent driver or a poorly maintained roadway, there is little if any margin for error for motorcycle drivers.

Unique roadway risksMotorcycle Accident Attorneys in Grants Pass, OR facing motorcyclists include:

  • Absence of protection from a vehicle’s frame
  • Lack of safety equipment, such as seat belts, roll-bars, or airbags
  • Instability, particularly when riders make sudden evasive maneuvers
  • Decreased reaction time when confronted with road hazards or negligent drivers
  • Inability to be observed easily in blind spots due to small, narrow size


If you have been injured in an Oregon motorcycle accident and you need help, the dedicated attorneys at Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC will fight to get you compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Call Us Today for a FREE Consultation
(541) 460-5363

Client Story

What Happened

Our client had just picked his motorcycle up from a repair shop in Central Oregon and was heading to his home in Bend when this accident occurred.  As he made a right hand turn, a motorist driving his car in the opposite direction made a left turn and ran directly into our client. The force of the impact knocked our client off of his motorcycle and onto the hood of the driver’s car. Once the police arrived on the accident site, the at-fault driver was cited for making a dangerous left turn.

When We Were Called

Our client was a military veteran and he ran some of his bills through the Veteran’s Administration and Medicare.  Both of these agencies had rights to reimbursement. Our client knew Dwyer Williams Cherkoss’s reputation for getting results in Oregon motorcycle accident cases, so he called us and we accepted his case.

How We Were Able to Help

Because our law firm regularly works with the VA and Medicare, we immediately contacted both agencies to finalize their respective liens.  After several rounds of tough negotiations, the case settled for a fair amount. After reimbursing the VA and Medicare, our client still received a generous pain and suffering compensation settlement.

Call Us Today for a FREE Consultation
(541) 460-5363

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