Motorcycle Accidents – What You Need to Know

Riding a motorcycle on the open road is an exhilarating experience. The feeling of wind rushing past your body and the purr of the motor as you open the throttle gives riders a real sense of freedom. This freedom is not without risk, however, with motorcycle accidents forming a major percentage of motor vehicle incidents.

A Guide on What to Do after Your Motorcycle Accident

Regardless of the cause of the accident, the following list is a guide on what steps you should take following a road traffic incident. Please note that before taking any of these steps that you assess the safety of the situation.

  • Check for injuries. A quick self-check will help to identify any major injuries, such as compound fractures, to assist paramedics when they attend the accident site. Some injuries are not immediately noticeable, however, such as concussions and internal bleeding, and are equally important to identify. Always seek medical attention after a motorcycle accident to determine any inconspicuous injuries
  • Move the bike off the road. If it is safe to do so, move the motorcycle out of traffic. Being small, lightweight vehicles, motorcycles lying flat on the road may not be visible to other traffic until it is too late, potentially causing another accident
  • Take photos. Only if it is safe, take photos which show not only the damage but also the potential cause of the accident. For example, if there was any damage to the road surface or poorly visible signage, this may be a factor
  • Gather information from other parties. Collect the details of all other parties involved including vehicle registrations, names, and telephone numbers. If there are witnesses to the incident, take note of their details as well
  • Prepare your legal case. Regardless of who was at fault, you will need a solid understanding of your legal rights which is best sought from an attorney

Additionally, due to the lack of metal surrounding the rider, as a passenger in a car would have, motorcycle riders are at a much higher risk of injury than those in passenger vehicles.  It goes without saying that those injuries are almost always much more severe than those involved in the same accident, but in a passenger car.  Sadly, motorcycle accidents often involved severe, permanent injuries or death of the motorcycle operator.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident and are in need of legal assistance, we invite you to call Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, P.C. at (541) 617-0555.