Oregon Personal Injury Protection 101

After an automobile accident, you may be entitled to personal injury protection (PIP) benefits under your own automobile insurance policy.  PIP is a type of “no fault” insurance that is required for most Oregon auto policies.  These benefits will help even if you are at fault for the accident, and using these benefits will not increase your insurance premium.  Importantly, these benefits can be used to help with lost wages or immediate medical expenses.  They are designed to help out while you are receiving medical treatment and before the negligent driver’s insurance company settles your case.

How Do I Know If I Am Entitled To PIP Benefits?

You are entitled to PIP benefits if:

  • You are involved in an accident while driving or riding in your insurance-covered vehicle
  • You are involved in an accident while riding in someone else’s vehicle, and that person has automobile insurance
  • You are a pedestrian or bicyclist who is hit by a car (you may be entitled to PIP under the striking vehicle’s policy or your personal policy)

Importantly, there is no PIP available under most motorcycle policies

What Does PIP Pay?

PIP pays for medical expenses, lost wages, funeral expenses and some household expenses.  Minimum PIP policies include:

  • Medical expenses:  $15,000.00 in medical expenses related to the accident and incurred within 1 year of the accident
  • Lost wages: 70% of regular wages (maximum of $1,250.00 per month) if your doctor provides a disability slip for 14 days or more
  • Household expenses:  some expenses, like babysitting, nursing expenses or routine household expenses (like lawncare) can be covered if you are not regularly employed and you are disabled for 14 days or more.
  • Funeral expenses:  up to $5,000.00

These are the basic rules, but there are many important factors in determining the exact nature of a PIP claim.

Contact Us

If you’ve been in an automobile accident, contact our personal injury protection lawyers at 1-541-617-0555, or fill out our internet Contact form on the right side of the page.  We can take care of all of the PIP paperwork for you.

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